Contract Negotiations + Review
Contract Review
HCL is experienced in reviewing all forms of contracts (collective bargaining agreements, employment contracts, severance agreements, etc.) and our team of lawyers can alert clients to potentially problematic clauses and/or suggest beneficial language to assist in achieving the client’s objectives.
The lawyers at Henneous Carroll Lombardo have extensive experience negotiating many different types of Collective Bargaining Agreements, including CBAs for teachers, paraprofessionals, nurses and blue collar and white collar municipal workers. Our attorneys have represented both employers and municipal employee labor unions in negotiations. We are well versed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and federal labor laws and represent our clients throughout the collective bargaining process. We help clients to initially identify goals in collective bargaining and work closely with our clients in order to achieve those goals in negotiations. While our ultimate goal is always to confer with the opposing representative and come to a mutually agreeable tentative agreement and contract, we are also experienced in both the mediation and arbitration process.